let heyyoli guide you...

indulge in our curated audio-guided practices, embracing mindfulness, sensuality & self-pleasure through meditation, breathing and more. Elevate your well-being with a harmonious mind-body connection, discovering profound pleasure.

what to expect

all our audio-guided practices are
in English
and you can choose between a female and a male voice

all our audio-guided practices are between 10-20 minutes
and designed to easily integrate into the daily life

you’ll get a brief explanation for every audio, what you might need to prepare and what to expect

2/3 of our audios are for all genders. But our explicit self-pleasure practices are for people with a yoni/vulva only (for now!)

use different filters to select the practice you need right now. Depending on your mood, favourite voice and privacy setting

no visual distraction.
Prepare your headphones

(best: bluetooth), turn off your phone notifications and let heyyoli guide you

how it works

our mission is to build personalized practices for you and therefore we offer different options to choose (we will update and extend them from time to time).


choose up to two different categories


choose between two voices


you'll receive your session! Read the description and start the audio whenever you are ready!

our categories

for your audio-guided practice you can combine up to two different categories
(for now)


you are invited to focus on sensual breathing, and really allow yourself to breathe out with a sound to activate your body.

Icon - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates


you are invited to massage yourself, to caress and touch the body parts that you want to discover and explore your erogenous zones.

Icon - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates

yoni/vulva touch

you are invited to touch your body in a sensual, mindful way and explore your sexual body parts. This practice includes explicit self-touch of your breasts, your yoni/vulva and vagina and offers an invitation to orgasm.

Icon - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates


you are invited to move your body in a sensual, mindful way, such as circling your hips or shaking your body.

Icon - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates


you are invited to really focus on the sensations in your body while being guided through a meditation such as a body scan.

Icon - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates

get the monthly heyyoli membership now!

early bird price for 5€ (cancel anytime) and have access to more than 30 audios.

it's your pleasure!